In Person and Live Streamed!
12:30 pm - Yizkor
2:00 pm - Study/meditation
Verses from the Prophets challenge the value of our fast and our prayers in a world filled with people who need our help. The biblical women who improvised our way out of danger and opened the door for redemption. Yonatan Gutfeld's haunting rendition of Unetane Tokef, the seminal High Holidays prayer delivered in a dream by a dead man to his disciple.
Kids services - this year we will offer two services for kids, one for ages 0-5 and another for ages 6-10. Led by musicians and cantors Dana Herz, Yonatan Gutfeld and Saskia Lane, these age appropriate services will include many of the Yom Kippur melodies and prayers, along with discussions and stories to bring the kids into the spirit of the day. In addition we will be offering art and games on High Holidays themes throughout the morning.
*Please dress in white for this event.
"Our theme for these High Holy Days is the Year of Improvisation. As we journey from the storytelling of 18th century Ukraine, to the mystical courts of 12th century Cairo, and into the music scene of 21st century New York City, we will search for ways to live life with a sense of lightness and play.
Improvisation is the art of listening, of taking what comes your way, and adding to what’s given. The improvisor’s response comes from the soulful center of one's being. We improvise when we relinquish our expectation of control and result, and instead enter into the scary yet liberating space of the present moment. Come improvise with us!”
-Rabbi Misha