Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Join a  Synagogue (But why you might want to join The New Shul)

  1. I don’t want to be a member of a synagogue, I just want to be there when I need it.
    The New Shul is a grassroots community (with lots of anti-institutional, non-joiner types!). Without your membership support, we simply won’t be here.

  2. I don’t like services.
    The New Shul is about lots more than services! Our calendar is packed with many different kinds of events, programs, classes and spiritual experiences. We’re also exploring ways to redefine ‘services.’

  3. I hated Hebrew School.
    Many of us were also turned off by Hebrew School. That’s why we have partnered with the School for Creative Judaism. Kids actually like it! Come for a visit and you’ll see why.

  4. I don’t believe in God.
    At The New Shul we’re constantly questioning, grappling, doubting and exploring. That’s what keeps it interesting.

  5. I only go once a year anyway.
    Once you become a member, you might be surprised to find that you come more often.

  6. My wife/husband/partner isn’t Jewish.
    The New Shul welcomes everyone. We’re proud of the diversity within our membership – interfaith, single, gay, couples, straight, families, reform, conservative, orthodox, reconstructionist, atheist…

  7. I don’t like organized religion.
    We’re not that organized.

  8. I don’t want my level of observance/non-observance to be judged by others.
    We’re not your parents’ shul. We don’t follow any particular party line – we draw from many sources of Jewish tradition and create some pretty compelling ones of our own.

  9. I’m spiritual but not religious… actually I’m culturally Jewish, but not into ritual… actually, I’m just not sure what being a Jew means in the 21st century….
    You’ll feel right at home.

  10. I’m just not interested.
    Are you so sure? You’re reading this, aren’t you?

In joining the New Shul you are investing in making our ancestors' faith make sense today; in the spiritual aspects of the fight for a just world; in giving artistic and creative endeavors the place they deserve in Judaism: in fusing religion, art, and politics as a way to keep the Jewish tradition as relevant and vibrant as ever.   

A weekly letter from Rabbi Misha arrives every Friday with insights and wisdom from the tradition, the world of the arts, and to wish you Shabbat Shalom. 

Membership includes High Holy Day tickets, all lifelong learning programs, engagement opportunities for teens, holiday programming, and Life-Cycle events.

Enroll in The School for Creative Judaism at The New Shul
Our Hebrew school will be partnering this year with the School for Creative Judaism, with whom we have been collaborating for a few years now. TNS @ SCJ will bring together the best of what our communities have to offer. Using the arts, social and political questions and the deep well of stories and wisdom our faith offers, we hope to empower young people to explore, redefine and embrace the Jewish tradition.

Contact Rabbi Misha at for more information on our educational programs.

Need more info?
Contact us at to get your questions answered or receive a membership packet.

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