Preparing for B Mitzvah with us
Preparing for the B Mitzvah happens along two parallel tracks: learning Jewish tools and exploring Jewish knowledge.
Tools refer to the ceremony itself - understanding its elements and how it is all put together, and learning particular prayers and to chant from the Torah.
Knowledge refers to an intellectual exploration of Judaism stemming from the Torah portion, culminating in the writing and delivery of of a D’var Torah (literally “words of Torah”) where the B Mitzvah shares some important and relevant thoughts and ideas that have emerged.
Exploring the social, cultural and spiritual aspects of Judaism becomes a family endeavor. Parents work with SCJ to define parts of the student’s curriculum that reflects this, while the B Mitzvah engages in a social justice project, which we call a Mitzvah Project.
The Service
SCJ offers a full B Mitzvah ceremony that is engaging, artistic and focused on the young man or woman and his or her family. Music plays a huge part in the service, which includes introspections and explanations of the various prayers and how they relate to the process and thinking of the young man or woman of the day.
The service can be anywhere – an event space, synagogue, restaurant, loft, hilltop or in the home. It is up to the family to locate and reserve the space.
Our musical, joyful services are planned with each family, based on our traditional blueprint, and usually run about 75 minutes. The service is conducted by Rabbi Misha or by a member of our Rabbinic Team, which might be a teacher with whom the student has worked, and is accompanied by the highest calibre of musicians who work with us on an ongoing basis.
When to Begin
The bulk of B Mitzvah preparation happens in one-on-one meetings with one of our teachers for one hour a week.
For students who have been studying with us, we schedule sessions beginning a few months out (typically 3-4).
For new students, with no prior Hebrew or Jewish education, we recommend starting at least one year out. It is, however, possible
to do it in as little as 9 months.