Planning Teams

for more information and to join the planning teams contact our team leaders below.


High Holy Days

Led by

Amy Goldfarb -


We're planning some exciting new programming for Yom Kippur afternoon, during the break between the Yizkor and Mincha services. Three sessions will be offered: one exploring what diaspora and home mean to us as Jews, one an opportunity to find rest, peace, and wider awareness through meditation, and one a chance to study a piyyut (a Jewish liturgical poem). All sessions will be held at VCS, and will allow those interested to sustain themselves with learning, sharing, rest, and community as we make our way toward closing services.

Our community Break-Fast is always lively, festive and delicious! This year we'd like to include more homemade dishes. Please let us know if you have a special dish you'd like to contribute.

Brooklyn Shabbatot

Led by

Saskia Rifkin & Rebecca Paley -,


Starting in Year 5785, we're excited to offer a series of Brooklyn Kabbalat Shabbat services in Fort Greene with music and Rabbi Misha--good food and schmoozing to follow. Come find community with your neighbors. We hope to see you there.

Living Room & On Tap Shabbatot

Led by

Linda Kahn -


Living Room Shabbats bring The New Shul community together at the home of New Shul community members to celebrate Shabbat with a little music, a little prayer, a potluck supper and LOTS of great conversation.

Bringing back a community favorite, Shabbat on Tap is an opportunity to celebrate Shabbat in a local pub focusing on conversations led by Rabbi Misha and building connections outside the box. 

Tikkun Olam

Led by

Shantih Clemans -


Tikkun Olam Team will facilitate a series of programs that focus on the beauty of community service. Beginning with Sukkot Service Day at Trinity Lutheran East Side Community Parish on October 19, we are planning additional programs at Trinity (and possibly at other locations as well). If you are interested in joining the Tikkun Olam team, please reach out.


Led by

Natalie Cohen -


You are invited to join a New Shul Chavrutah, 2024-2025! A “chavrutah” is a Jewish version of study group (and in New Shul style, sometimes a “study and do” group). Members read, analyze, discuss topics of interest along with expert lay and rabbinic leadership. Past topics and readings included Black Lives Matter, Susan Neiman’s book, “Learning from the Germans”, Hannah Arendt’s book “Between Past and Future”, Women of the Bible, Weekly Torah Bites and Weekly Meditation.

Ice Cream Club

Led by

Henry Atlas -


The “Ice Cream Club” was founded in 2022 with the first Teen Tashlich followed by multiple conversations with teens to talk about the current state of being Jewish. Our goal was to create a group of teens motivated to talk about their Jewish identity and in doing so to become more connected to the synagogue. The Ice Cream Club offers a way for teens to participate, stay close to their heritage and initiate conversations that are meaningful for them personally.


Amy Goldfarb

High Holy Days

About Amy

I joined The New Shul in 2020 after being introduced to it by a close friend some years earlier. For me, The New Shul provides the perfect blend of deep tradition and fresh reimaginings. It's a place of great beauty and meaning, where I can learn from inspiring, authentic, approachable faith leaders while also finding my place in an open, caring, welcoming, diverse, and seeking community. This year, I'm happy to have the opportunity to help plan the offerings for Yom Kippur afternoon, and to help organize the Break-Fast, which is always festive and delicious!

Saskia Rifkin

Brooklyn Shabbatot

About Saskia

A lifelong New Yorker, Saskia began her career in independent film right out of Barnard College. Having directed two feature films, she has also helped many other independent directors and artists realize their visions as a producer. For the past two decades, she has partnered with the internationally renowned artist Gregory Crewdson to produce his major photography projects. Saskia is thrilled to be a part of the New Shul, with its unique combination of creativity and tradition, and hopes to share in many community simchas alongside her husband Nader and their three children, Nava, Cyrus, and Amalia.

Rebecca Paley

Brooklyn Shabbatot

About Rebecca

Rebecca Paley is the author of more than a dozen books that include everything from celebrity and political memoirs to self-help. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband Dan, kids, Emmy and Alexander, and dog, Sage. A proud member of The New Shul, her firm belief is that there can never be enough niggunim.

Linda Kahn

Living Room & On Tap Shabbatot

About Linda

Linda Kahn is Assistant Professor at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, where she studies associations between environmental exposures and reproductive health across the lifespan. Prior to her career in epidemiology, she spent 20 years as a book editor and coauthor, specializing in feminism and women's health. A native of midtown Manhattan, Linda attended the Brearley School, and received her undergraduate degree from Yale and her graduate degrees from Columbia. She and her husband, Rob, raised their three (mostly) grown children on the Upper West Side and have been members of the New Shul since 2008.


Shantih Clemans

Tikkun Olam

About Shantih

Shantih Clemans thoroughly enjoyed working on Service Day last year and is thrilled to now take a leadership role in this growing program. Shantih and her partner, Julie Shapiro, have two daughters, Hazel (17) and Chloe (14), who became bat mitzvahs with Misha through SCJ in 2021 and 2022 respectively. Shantih has been drawn to TNS, its humanistic, inspiring, and inclusive programing, ever since. On faculty at SUNY Empire State University, Shantih teaches and mentors adult students pursuing human service degrees. Shantih and her family live in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.

Natalie Cohen


About Natalie

Natalie Cohen has been a member of the New Shul since just before 9/11. Her two boys attended New Shul “Rishonim” and were both bar mitzvah there. She has spent her career in state and local government finance in the US, is a seasoned writer, blogger (, speaker and avid reader. She is founder and President of National Municipal Research, an independent consulting and research company. She has received “trailblazer” recognition and two lifetime achievement awards from industry trade associations. Her BA is from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA and MPA is from NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service.

Henry Atlas

Ice Cream Club

About Henry

Hello New Shul Community my name is Henry Atlas, I am a rising Senior at Grace Church School where I am the leader of the Jewish Affinity Group. I am from Fort Greene Brooklyn, New York where I have lived my whole life. I once attended School for Creative Judiasim with Rabbi Mischa which encouraged me to join the congregation in which I have now been a member for 3 years. I look forward to working with you all more closely!