Why Did She Descend?
Mipney Ma, a Hassidic niggun by Frank London
Dear friends,
For a couple of weeks I couldn’t get this one Hasidic niggun out of my head:
מפני מה ירדה הנשמה?
Why did the neshamah fall so low?
מאיגרא רמא לבירא עמיקתא
From a high roof to the bottom of a deep well.
I listened to Frank London’s beautiful version of the niggun, sang it and played it on my saxophone. I wondered why things have sunk so low. I’d think of the endless horror in Gaza, of the never-ending tribulations of my Israeli family and friends, of the horrors of this world we live in and the terrible state of affairs between people of different opinions in the US. Why? Mipney ma?
Then the niggun would come to its concluding C part, from the ancient wisdom:
ירידה לצורך עליה היא
It’s a descent for the purpose of going up!
The universe is not static. Everything is in motion. Oftentimes things go down and then up, up and then down. Why would we expect our experience to be any different? I would pray that this descent is part of a rising. That Frank’s cancer for which he’s being treated will be part of a rising up that will help him heal and grow. That from global warming we will learn simplicity, contentment with what we have. That out of this war will grow peace.
Yesterday a miracle happened. Despite terrible odds, flight cancellations, threats of an even worse war, despicable war-mongering provocations by the Israeli government and its morally bankrupt leader, my family managed to meet for a few days in Greece to celebrate my father’s 75th birthday. Thanks to the grace of god, ours and the many that populate this divine land, my parents, brothers and their families from in and around Jerusalem managed to get here. The long odds have certainly created a deep sense of gratitude in us. We are in a little moment of עליה, going high up.
May the current talks in Doha bring us further up, to a ceasefire. It is not lost on any of us that families in Gaza could never imagine such a reunion. For so many families it is no longer possible. Prayers can sometimes alter reality. Let us pray that a breakthrough is reached, and that this latest escalation was a descent for the purpose of going up. Hostages home, leadership change, reconstruction begin - not one more bomb. Let families reunite all over the land.
And may we see all of the descents of our souls turn into miraculous rising ups.
Why? Mipney ma? So we can experience the great gift.
Shabbat shalom with prayers of gratitude,
Rabbi Misha
Sunrise over Athens